My Word for 2022 Is...

We used a lot of words in 2021, many were buzzwords or catch-phrases created to motivate and encourage us through another year of the COVID-19 pandemic. And let’s be honest, a lot of words we used were still 4-letter words. But I have learned that words can be powerful tools to give substance and form to our energies and desires that enable us to create positive results.

Twelve months ago I was sitting in the same spot I am now, in front of my computer screen searching for inspiration and motivation to push into the unknown of 2021. My focus word for moving forward last year was rebound. The intention was to find resilience in the midst of setbacks in my life and business and for other people in my sphere of influence. As I reflect on the past year, I definitely see the positive impact that rebound had in repositioning the trajectory of my business onward and upward.

Today, I am sharing with you my focus phrase for 2022, are you ready? This year, Mark Wilson will OWN IT! I know what you are thinking, “but Mark, you already own a business, and I am pretty sure you own your house and car too. What is it you want to own in 2022?” Let me explain.

I would love to tell you that this phrase came upon me as an epiphany following hours of fasting and meditation. It was quite the opposite, I was given this piece of advice in the midst of a sugar rush fueled by a stack of french toast and bacon. I was having breakfast with a friend of mine, best-selling author Mark Schaeffer, and as we were talking about the past couple of years in our businesses, he dropped this knowledge on me. He saw that the content and ideas supporting my business had become too broad and out of focus with the needs of my audience and clients. He looked me square in the eye and told me that I have to own “my space” starting now!

Hearing this admonition from a hero of mine sat me back in my chair. Not because it was a profound proclamation from a great seer (trust me Mark is a wise sage) but it was something that I knew was a problem, but I needed to be confronted with it externally. So, here are three ways that I am going to OWN IT, starting today!

First, I am going to focus on understanding explicitly who I am serving and their problems that I can solve for them. I have gone through this exercise not only with myself, but as a Certified StoryBrand Marketing Guide, I have walked many clients through this process. During the pandemic as we were rushing to pivot and then rebound, my focus became too broad in the services I was trying to offer to a wider audience that really wasn’t related to my core business. In 2022, I will take a daily look at what problems my core audience and clients (churches, pastors, and non-profit staffs) are facing and discern how ChurchCMO can be a marketing and communication resource to help them overcome their challenges.

Second, I will ensure the content I create will serve my audience’s needs. Let’s be honest, all you have to do is check the date of the last post on this blog and you will see that it has been a hot minute. But I was writing and creating for two other blog platforms that were obviously distracting my time and attention, not to mention feeding a podcast. I create and share content with the hope that it will be a useful resource for the pastors and church staff that receive it. Look for regular posts and podcast episodes that speak directly to your marketing needs as pastor, executive director, or staff member. Starting today, my content will be laser focused on sharing ideas, tools, and hacks that will enable your organization to make an impact in your community.

Finally, I will avoid “shiny new toys” that will distract my time and attention from serving my core audience, churches and nonprofits. It’s true, I can be like a cat that got a laser pointer for Christmas, chasing the light along the floor and wall and never finding the satisfaction of catching it (stole that one from Rev. Charla Sherbakoff). Great ideas hit my inbox multiple times every day and they all seem to fit what I am doing, if I bend it and twist it a little to make it fit my mission. This year, I will pray for the discipline and support to stay laser focused on the ideas and resources that can help ChurchCMO be an effective marketing and communication resource for churches and nonprofit organizations that need assistance.

My personal proclamation to OWN IT in 2022 is not my declaration to the world that ChurchCMO will dominate the church marketing space. But it is my commitment to the people and teams looking to us for marketing help that we will be keenly focused on delivering specific solutions. Solutions to churches to help them share the Gospel wherever they are called and assistance to nonprofits to enable them to help the people they are called to serve!

You might have noticed that I italicized a commitment in each of the ways I will OWN IT. This emphasis is my reminder to myself, but I hope you will help me to stay on track as well with this mission. I encourage everyone reading this post to look at where you may have been distracted or stretched thin over the past two years and refocus your time, energy, and attention. 

Stay tuned for a new program the ChurchCMO is launching this month that is a direct result of my personal exercise to own it with my clients and audience. We are really excited and can’t wait to share it!

Happy New Year Friends and Family, it’s going to be a great one!