What is Proactive Disciple Making anyway?

If you have interacted with any of my blog posts, podcasts, emails, or heard me talking in my sleep, you see that I write and speak a lot about proactive disciple making. In fact, I am absolutely convinced that if the US Church focuses on proactively making more disciples, the other problems we face like reaching new people and being vital congregations will take care of itself.

Why do I believe in proactive disciple making so strongly? Because active disciples will create energy and vitality in your church so you can make an impact in the world around you. And, engaged disciples will be a magnet to connecting new disciples, even brand new believers, with your congregation. How do I know this? Well, because Jesus demonstrated it for us and then commanded us to replicate it (see Matthew 28:19-20).

So what exactly is proactive disciple making?

Proactive Disciple Making means having an ongoing process where you are constantly identifying prospective disciples, engaging with their needs, challenges, problems, and then intentionally guiding them on a next steps discipleship journey to address their personal and spiritual growth. Most pastors and churches don’t have a proactive process because they think they don’t have time for it in their already busy schedules. And I get it, every pastor I know is busy. But the only commandment Jesus gave his disciples as it pertains to building the kingdom (or as we call it now “doing church”) was the Great Commission. So I think it would be important for us to figure out how to make proactive disciple-making a priority mission in our churches.

A recent Barna Research report of US Christians identified data around discipleship in christian churches. 39% of US Christians are not involved in any discipleship activity either as a disciple or as a disciple maker. This is the largest percentage category, compared to 28% that identified themselves as disciples. When asked why they aren’t involved in becoming a disciple, 38% stated that they simply hadn’t thought about it. On the side of US Christians involved in making disciples, 28% identified as being discipled and also helping make disciples. Of those not involved in disciple making, the number one reason is they don’t feel qualified or equipped for this role. 1 in 4 say that the idea has never been suggested to them, indicating that all they would need is a nudge.

I truly believe we have been trying to answer the wrong question in church for the past decade or so. The question we have been focusing on has been how do we get more people to come to worship? When we should be trying to figure out how to more fully engage with the people that are part of our congregations to live into their God-given purpose in life. If we have the majority of our people intentionally living out their purpose and pursuing spiritual growth, then church growth and vitality and the spread of the Gospel will take care of itself. Your people will be magnets to more people that want to find the same fulfillment and purpose in life.

If you would like to explore what proactive disciple making could look like in your church, we would love to help. You can click this link, Schedule a Call, and we can talk about strategy ideas for your church. It’s a free conversation, so what have you got to lose?!?! Now is the time to be proactive… (see what I did there? 🙄)

Next time, we will talk about how to implement a Proactive Disciple Making Strategy. In the meantime, go to ChurchCMO.com for previous blog posts, podcasts, and other resources to help you become more proactive disciple makers!