5 Social Media Predictions for 2017

See some of my comments at the end of this infographic!mdg-45728-5-bold-social-media-predictions-for-2017-1-820x5631Two of these trends that probably most affect the church and we should embrace are definitely within our grasp. The first is that our content must become more immersive. What does that mean for the church and how do we pull it off?

  1. More, live video that is raw and captures the moment as it is happening.
  2. Behind the scenes media, giving viewers a peek behind the curtain.
  3. Online worship experiences that make us feel like we are in the room.

Another trend, one I have been preaching for years, is that brands will be focusing on fewer platforms. Focus on the platforms where your audience is and the ones you can do well. And when the Student Pastor tells you the church needs a Snapchat account, be confident telling them no, LOL!The battle cry for many years for most churches was to "be on social media." But today, it takes more than just an active account, we have to be active, we have to "be social." It's a great time to engage with new people on social media and build relationships, don't let challenges or shiny new objects distract you from your mission.